All About Final Pay, Separation Pay and Back Wages

In response to the many inquiries from my readers regarding separation pay, final pay and back wages, these three kinds of payment that an employee is entitled to receive (depending on the circumstances present), here is my attempt to explain the differences of one from the other. It appears that a lot of people mistakenly …

What’s New? – All About the Revised Corporation Code

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a business forum sponsored by a prestigious law firm. The timing was perfect. I had a relatively lighter than usual work schedule that time and my boss gave the go signal. The forum was entitled “The Future of Businesses: A Forum on Revised Corporation Code and the Ease …

Collect Debts Faster and Easier by Filing a Small Claims Case

Before I discuss anything, let me greet you all! With all the celebrations and gift-giving we had last Christmas and New Year, a lot of us are delighted and thrilled of all the presents we have given to and received (of course!) from friends, colleagues, relatives and family. Some of you here, however, have to …

Ten Things About Notarization in the Philippines

I am sure everyone has heard of the words “notarize”, “notary”, “notaryo”, “notary public”, “notaryo publiko” in your daily grind at work or even in your personal dealings at home. We often see giant placards announcing notarial services available in unexpected places everywhere. But we all know that most, if not all, of these “so-called” …