All About Final Pay, Separation Pay and Back Wages

In response to the many inquiries from my readers regarding separation pay, final pay and back wages, these three kinds of payment that an employee is entitled to receive (depending on the circumstances present), here is my attempt to explain the differences of one from the other. It appears that a lot of people mistakenly …

Prohibited Acts Under RA 11332 or the “Law on Reporting of Communicable Diseases”

We are now on Week 3 of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (“ECQ”). Everybody is directed to just stay home, until April 14, 2020. Except for our beloved frontliners and other brothers and sisters who brave the risks everyday brought about by the Coronavirus Disease (“COVID-19”), we are expected to heed the government call to just …

Anti-Red Tape Act and the Law on Ease of Doing Business in the Philippines

As promised, here is my discussion about the Law on Ease of Doing Business and the Anti-Red Tape Act. You and I have experienced dealing with different government offices for a multitude of reasons — from business registration, processing of applications or permits, renewal of documents, or payment of taxes, loans, etc. I am sure …

What’s New? – All About the Revised Corporation Code

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a business forum sponsored by a prestigious law firm. The timing was perfect. I had a relatively lighter than usual work schedule that time and my boss gave the go signal. The forum was entitled “The Future of Businesses: A Forum on Revised Corporation Code and the Ease …